Masterson Method

Everyone can do it. Using light touch and the Masterson Method of bodywork, we can interact with a horse to find areas of reaction and restriction which often results in release of tension in their bodies. Pam Kelly is a volunteer and also an…

Wrap Around

We host a Wrap Around Program for Child and Family Services of Northwestern Michigan. The program consists of Relational Horsemanship and other ranch planned activities such as: spinning wool, chicken trivia, yoga, essential oils, cooking and crafts.

Relational Horsemanship

Natural Horsemanship “Relational Horsemanship” is a term used to describe the non verbal communication or language between horses and humans. It goes beyond training and is based more on relationship, communication, leadership and developing a working partnership with your horse. Jennifer Lee of Relational…

Therapeutic Horseback Riding

What is Adaptive (Therapeutic) Riding? Adaptive Riding, otherwise known as Therapeutic Horseback Riding, is a riding lesson that is adapted to meet the individual needs of the rider. The goal in an adaptive riding lesson is to teach the rider how to ride the…